Self-esteem activities for teens: Daily Challenges to Build Teen Confidence


Self-esteem activities for teens play a crucial role in shaping confident, resilient young adults. Self-esteem refers to the general feeling of the person about himself or her worth and it is crucial in the times of adolescent crises. Adolescence is a period of physical transition, pressure to conform and personal development, a positive self – image can help one cope with pressure and stress. This is because it helps the teens make a right decision, develop proper interaction and enhance proper steps to achieve their desires. In this blog post, seven fun activities that can improve the self-esteem of teenagers are going to be discussed, namely, writing in a diary, searching for strength, using gratitude journal, and completing miscellaneous works. These activities should be carried out by the teenagers in their daily lives so that they come up with better, healthier and optimistic approach to life.

Self-esteem activities for teens

I. Understanding Self-esteem

Self-esteem among teenagers is influenced by factors such as family, friends, school performance and social media. The symptoms of the low self-esteem include speaking to oneself in an abusive way, shun social interactions or easily offended. On the other hand, healthy self-esteem has its privileges including but not limited to the following; Resilience, assertiveness among others’ better mental health.
Therefore, for parents and educators, one has to be aware of low self-esteem indicators. These may be perfectionism, inability to accept compliment or instead, embracing of behaviors that are self-destructing. That is why it is possible to speak about the promotion of healthy self-esteem being connected with creating a supportive environment for teenagers, as well as assisting children in having a positive self-evaluation. It also results in proper decision making, healthy and strong bonds, and improvement in the general well-being of adolescents.

II. Activity 1: Positive Affirmations Journal

Positive Affirmations Journal

A. Explanation of the activity

Daily writing for teens where they express in positive ways about themselves, their skills and their future. They are positive statements which are in first person and present tense linking with self-worth and confidence.

B. How to implement it

  1. Provide teens with a notebook or digital journal.
  2. Instruct them to write 3-5 positive affirmations daily.
  3. Encourage personalization and specificity in their affirmations.
  4. Suggest they read their affirmations aloud each morning and evening.

C. Benefits for teen self-esteem

  • Cultivates a positive self-image and internal dialogue
  • Challenges and replaces negative self-talk
  • Boosts confidence in abilities and potential
  • Encourages a growth mindset
  • Improves resilience against external criticism
  • Enhances overall emotional well-being
  • Supports goal-setting and achievement

III. Activity 2: Strength Spotting Exercise

A. Description of the Activity

Strength Spotting Exercise is an activity aimed at making the person reflect on the strengths he/she has. Relates to Aggressive: This exercise helps the participants to look for positive attributes in themselves thus enhancing on self-esteem..

B. Steps to Conduct the Exercise

  1. Provide participants with a list of common character strengths.
  2. Ask them to select 3-5 strengths they believe they possess.
  3. For each chosen strength, have participants write down a specific example of when they demonstrated that quality.
  4. Encourage participants to share their examples with a partner or small group.
  5. Facilitate a group discussion on the experience of identifying personal strengths.

C. How It Boosts Self-Confidence

This exercise enhances self-confidence by:

  • Promoting positive self-reflection
  • Encouraging recognition of personal achievements
  • Providing concrete evidence of individual capabilities
  • Fostering a growth mindset through strength awareness
  • Building a foundation for leveraging strengths in future challenges

IV. Activity 3: The Gratitude Challenge

The Gratitude Challenge

A. Overview of the Gratitude Practice

Gratitude exercise refers to the deliberate effort to identify positive things in ones life and express thankfulness. This exercise helps one to bring about change of focus from negative thoughts to positive ones; thus, improving one’s mental health.

B. How to Set up a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge

  1. Choose a consistent time daily for reflection
  2. Keep a gratitude journal or use a dedicated app
  3. List three things you’re grateful for each day
  4. Be specific and vary your entries
  5. Reflect on why you’re grateful for each item
  6. Share your gratitude with others when appropriate

C. Impact on Self-Esteem

Gratefulness practice can help in increasing self-esteem and this is through the general noticing of achievements as well as experiences. It decreases stress, helps to have a sound sleep, and helps to build better relations. In the long term, the manifestation of this practice results to having an automatic positive outlook on life, healthy mental state and coping skills.

V. Activity 4: Personal Achievement Board

A. Concept behind the achievement board

The Personal Achievement Board is a pictorial display of goals and accomplishments of a person. It provided a strong incentive to look at one’s self in a more positive manner, and embraced personal change. It also helps in maintain and boost positive self-image that may be gained from the achievements that are in tangible form.

B. Materials needed

These include: corkboard or poster board, push pins or tape, markers, photographs, magazine clips and any other memorabilia the two has.

Process: Choose your preferred board and then beautify it in a manner you would like it to be. The sections can be made in terms of different sectors of life such as personal life, workplace, school etc. Include picture and written excerpts, as well as visual art facts that are associated with accomplishment and goals.

C. How it reinforces positive self-image

The achievement board confirms to an individual he or she is progressing in the right direction in the course of the company’s goals. Through the constant update and revision of the board, the individuals are able to concentrate on areas of their individual strengths hence creating a healthy self-esteem and motivation to grow and develop.

VI. Activity 5: Positive Self-Talk Reframing

A. Explanation of negative self-talk

Negative self-talk may be defined as thoughts that one directs towards the self in a critical, pessimistic or self-defeating way. It can kind of have an effect on the individual’s mental and psychological health, confidence, and even overall well-being. Some of the impacts include more stress, low self-esteem, less motivation among others.

B. Steps to identify and reframe negative thoughts

  1. Recognize negative thoughts as they occur
  2. Challenge the validity of these thoughts
  3. Replace negative statements with positive, realistic alternatives
  4. Practice this reframing regularly to build a habit

C. Long-term benefits of positive self-talk

People should try to create more positivity in their minds which will result in better mental health, increased ability to tolerate stress and solve problems. It creates positive attitude towards growth, thus people will approach the challenge with positive attitude and determination. In the long run, positive self-talk helps one to cope with stress better, foster better relations and enhance satisfaction with life.

VII. Activity 6: Skills and Talents Showcase

A. Purpose of the Showcase

The purpose of the Skills and Talents Showcase is to let the student show out what they are capable of doing as this enhances their confidence and that of their fellow students. It is a self-improvement event and culturally affirmative and part of building a healthy school climate.

B. Organizing a Skills Presentation

  1. Solo Presentations:
    • Students select a talent or skill to showcase
    • Prepare a 3-5 minute demonstration
    • Create visual aids or props if necessary
    • Practice and refine the presentation
  2. Group Presentations:
    • Form teams based on complementary skills
    • Develop a cohesive performance or demonstration
    • Assign roles and responsibilities
    • Rehearse as a group to ensure smooth execution

C. Effect on Self-esteem

The showcase helps students to have a higher sense of self-worth by recognizing their skills. Other students get to see one another showcase their talents and as this happens; the levels of respect and appreciation start developing the social relations within the school. This positive reinforcement makes the learners to take a step further and practice more on the skills and perhaps take up other activities that will help them in their day to day activities.

VIII. Activity 7: Self-Care Challenge

self-care challenge

A. Importance of Self-Care for Self-Esteem

It appears that one ought to take proper care of one’s self since self-esteem depends on it. This process entails deliberately choosing behaviours that are healthy for the body, mind and spirit because they determine self-image in a particular way. Thus, by taking care of ourselves we increase our confidence and the overall quality of our life since we feel worthwhile.

B. Ideas for Daily Self-Care Activities

Incorporating daily self-care practices can be simple yet effective. Some ideas include:

  • Starting the day with a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing.
  • Engaging in physical exercise, even if it’s just a short walk.
  • Taking time to enjoy a hobby or read a book.
  • Practicing gratitude by reflecting on positive aspects of your day.

C. How Self-Care Contributes to Positive Self-Image

Habits of self-care should be maintained as the concept of the need for proper treatment to oneself supports the development of positive self-attitude. This would help the individual have a better attitude towards health checkup and improve the overall self-esteem one has for herself/himself.

IX. Tips for Parents and Educators

A. How to Support Teens During These Activities

The growing up process entails several tasks within different activities, and parents as well as educators are some of the critical figures who help teenagers in this process. Teenagers should always be encouraged, their input must be valued and constructive criticism should be given to them. That is why adolescents should be listened to, helped to tell about their feelings and problems

B. Creating a Positive Environment for Self-Esteem Growth

For the development of self-esteem it is important to provide positive climate in the classroom. Take pleasure in a specific aspect of the progress, and it is important to find time for reflection as well as avoiding competition with other people. Offer experiences that are in accordance with teen’s capabilities and preferences and ensure that the teenager develops positive self-esteem.

C. When to Seek Professional Help

If a teen has consistent low self-esteem, anxiety or depression, this should be evaluated and treated by a health care professional. It is always advised that one see a counselor or psychologist so that such issues may be appropriately handled while enhancing the mental health of a person.


Self-esteem activities for teens are essential in helping them develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. Thus, participation in such activities will help adolescents to cope with the problems of teenage years. Maintaining practice is the best way of enhancing such positive outcomes that would enable the teenagers to strengthen themselves as well as their confidence levels as they practice. Therefore, parents, educators, and caregivers should ensure that children engage themselves or are encouraged to engage in self-esteem activities often as they know that it has long-term effects on their lives. Providing teens with these tools does not only bring the positive change in the way they feel about themselves, but it is preparing them to look at life and face it looking at the brighter side of things.


  1. How do you build self-esteem group activities?

    Effective group activities for building self-esteem include:
    Positive Affirmation Circle: Participants take turns sharing positive affirmations about themselves.
    Role-Playing Confidence: Practice role-playing scenarios where confidence is required.
    Group Challenges: Engage in team-building activities that require cooperation and problem-solving.
    “I Can” Goal Setting: Set personal goals and write down “I can” statements.
    Gratitude Journal Sharing: Share positive experiences and things you’re thankful for.

  2. What are creative activities for confidence?

    Creative activities that can enhance self-esteem include:
    Art Therapy: Express emotions through painting, drawing, or sculpting.
    Creative Writing: Write stories, poems, or journal entries to explore thoughts and feelings.
    Drama and Improvisation: Participate in acting workshops or improve games.

  3. How do you teach self-esteem to high school students?

    Effective strategies for teaching self-esteem to high school students include:
    Positive Reinforcement: Praise and acknowledge students’ efforts and achievements.
    Growth Mindset: Teach students that challenges are opportunities for growth.
    Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness practices into the curriculum.
    Peer Support Groups: Create safe spaces for students to discuss feelings and support one another.
    Real-World Experiences: Provide opportunities for students to volunteer, participate in extracurricular activities, or take on leadership roles.

  4. How do I fix extremely low self-esteem?

    Strategies for improving extremely low self-esteem include:
    Surround Yourself with Positive People: Limit contact with toxic individuals and spend time with supportive people.
    Seek Professional Help: Consider therapy or counseling to address underlying issues.
    Challenge Negative Thoughts: Identify and challenge negative self-talk.
    Practice Self-Care: Prioritize physical health, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits.
    Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps.

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