Relationship Goals and Quotes: 60 Inspiring Quotes for Modern Couples


Relationship Goals and Quotes inspire and guide couples on their journey through love and commitment. These dreams and emotions are something we should strive for and they light the way to a great, long-lasting relationship. From talking and building trust to dreaming and supporting each other, relationship goals are the blocks that build a healthy relationship. In the meantime, there is a great number of citations that reflect the experience and feelings of people in love and relationships in the concise language of phrases. In considering relationship goals, and the type of quotes that can accompany a healthy, growing union, individuals can gain ideas and inspiration for their own relationships based on those facts and ideas that are presented.

Relationship Goals and Quotes

1. Best Relationship Goals and Quotes

1. “A great relationship doesn’t happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end.” – Unknown

2. “The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time.” – Unknown

3. “True love isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated.” – Unknown

4. “A successful relationship requires falling in love multiple times, but always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

5. “Love is not about how many days, months, or years you’ve been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.” – Unknown

6. “A strong relationship requires choosing to love each other, even in those moments when you struggle to like each other.” – Unknown

7. “Love is not something you look for; love is something you become.” – Loretta Young

8. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

“Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” – Osho

9. “Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” – Osho

10. “A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other.” – Unknown

11. “When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.” – John Lennon

12. “Relationships are not about finding the perfect partner, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

13. “In a relationship, when communication starts to fade, everything else follows.” – Unknown

14. “A healthy relationship is built on unwavering trust and the ability to forgive and forget.” – Beau Mirchoff

15. “You know you’re in a real relationship when your presence and absence both mean something to that person.” – Unknown

16. “The best relationships are the ones you never saw coming.” – Unknown

17. “A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself or herself – to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me.” – Leo Buscaglia

18. “The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” – Tony Robbins

19. “The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.” – B.R. Ambedkar

20. “The most important thing in a relationship is not what you get but what you give.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

2. Relationship Goals Funny Quotes

“We go together like copy and paste.” – Unknown

1. “We go together like copy and paste.” – Unknown

2. “Relationships are just two people constantly asking each other what they want to eat until they die.” – Unknown

3. “Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery

4. “If we were on a sinking ship, and there was only one life vest, I would miss you so much.” – Unknown

5. “Marriage is just fancy a word for adopting an overgrown male child who can’t be handled by his parents anymore.” – Unknown

6. “I love you even when I’m hungry.” – Unknown

7. “We’re the perfect couple: We’re just good enough to laugh at all the other couples who think they’re perfect too.” – Unknown

8. “Marriage: when dating goes too far.” – Unknown

9. “You call it madness, but I call it love.” – Don Byas

10. “We go together like drunk and disorderly.” – Unknown

11. “I love you even though you’re annoying.” – Unknown

12. “A relationship is when one person is always right and the other person is the boyfriend.” – Unknown

13. “Love is being silly together.” – Unknown

14. “Let’s be like jelly and peanut butter and stick together.” – Unknown

15. “Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Unknown

16. “I love you even when you’re hangry.” – Unknown

17. “We’re like peanut butter and jelly: sweet and a little bit nutty.” – Unknown

18. “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.” – Unknown

“Relationships are like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park.” – Unknown

19. “Relationships are like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park.” – Unknown

20. “I love you more than chocolate… but please don’t make me prove it.” – Unknown

3. Couple Goals Quotes Short

1. “Together is a beautiful place to be.” – Unknown

2. “You and me make the perfect we.” – Unknown

3. “Happily ever after is not a fairy tale, it’s a choice.” – Fawn Weaver

4. “We are a team.” – Unknown

5. “Love is a partnership of two unique souls.” – Unknown

6. “You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher

7. “In you, I’ve found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend.” – Unknown

8. “You are my favorite notification.” – Unknown

9. “Every moment with you is a dream come true.” – Unknown

10. “With you, I am home.” – Unknown

11. “We are one.” – Unknown

12. “My favorite place is next to you.” – Unknown

“You are my sunshine on a rainy day.” – Unknown

13. “You are my sunshine on a rainy day.” – Unknown

14. “I choose you, and I’ll choose you over and over.” – Unknown

15. “Forever with you sounds perfect.” – Unknown

16. “You’re my favorite distraction.” – Unknown

17. “We go together like the moon and the stars.” – Unknown

18. “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed.” – Unknown

19. “You and me, always and forever.” – Unknown

20. “Love you to the moon and back.” – Unknown


1. What are relationship goals quotes?

Relationship goals quotes are inspirational sayings that capture the essence of what a healthy and fulfilling relationship looks like. They often highlight the importance of love, trust, communication, and mutual growth. Examples include:
– “A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.”
– “In a relationship, it’s not about finding someone who completes you, but finding someone who accepts you completely.”
– “True love is about growing as a couple, learning about each other, and never giving up on each other.”

2. What is a perfect relationship quote?

A perfect relationship quote encapsulates the ideal dynamics of a relationship—where love, trust, understanding, and mutual respect thrive. An example might be:
– “A perfect relationship is not perfect, it’s just that both people never gave up on each other.”

3. What are the 5 most important things in a relationship quotes?

The five most important things in a relationship typically include love, trust, communication, respect, and commitment. Here are quotes that reflect each of these elements:
Love “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” — Audrey Hepburn
Trust: “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” — Stephen Covey
Communication: “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” — Peter Drucker
Respect: “Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.”
Commitment: “A relationship is not about how much you love each other, but how much you can grow together.”

4. What is the goal of your relationship?

The goal of a relationship is deeply personal and can vary from couple to couple. Generally, though, it often revolves around mutual happiness, growth, and support. A thoughtful answer could be:
– “The goal of our relationship is to build a life together that’s full of love, laughter, and endless support for each other’s dreams and aspirations. We aim to be each other’s rock, helping one another grow into the best versions of ourselves, while creating a bond that withstands the test of time.”

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